Myrkron (Volume Two of The Chronicles of the Myrkron) Read online

Page 4

  Micah nodded to Dain then looked up at Mardak. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Shaman Mardak. I must be leaving now. There are many things that require my attention at the moment. I only came to bring a group of Avari to help hold the pass. Remember what I said, Dain."

  "I will, Lord Micah," Dain replied softly.

  Micah turned on his heels and walked toward the mouth of the pass, his footsteps ringing out against the walls of the pass. Mardak felt as if a shadow had been lifted from them. He realized it was the shroud of power surrounding the Avari Lord.

  "I am glad that one is on our side. He gives me the shivers."

  Dain knelt down beside a man who had a bandage around his thigh. He started to place his hands on the man, but stopped as Mardak cleared his throat.

  "Are you alright, Dain? You look like you've just seen a spirit walk in front of you."

  Dain clasped his hands in his lap and started to shake. "I was wrong," he answered in a quiet voice. "I have great reason to fear the Avari Lord."

  "Did he threaten you?" Mardak asked, anger edging into his voice.

  "No. He told me the truth. It is that truth I fear." Dain sighed and placed his hands on the man’s leg.

  Mardak saw Dain’s small body go rigid as he opened himself up to healing the man before him. He looked off in the direction Micah had gone. "Yes. I'm glad that one is on our side," he said under his breath.

  Chapter Five

  Merric opened the door to the scrying chamber. He ushered the two Avari into the small room and then entered behind them. The smile that Merric usually wore was gone and the grave expression on his face gave his features a hard cast. He now looked like what he was, an angry wizard. The air around him practically hummed with power. He had to concentrate to clear his mind for the working of the basin. Branik and Reek stood behind him near the wall, both waiting silently.

  Merric passed his hand over the basin and practically barked out the activation spell. The silvery liquid in the basin turned instantly black. Merric waited, but the liquid stayed black. It revealed nothing. He leaned over and placed his hands on the sides of the basin. His brows drew down in concentration. After a few minutes, he straightened.

  "That’s odd," Merric muttered in annoyance.

  Branik broke his self-imposed silence. "What is odd, Wizard Merric?"

  "The basin refuses to show me his location. It's as if he no longer exists."

  "You think he has died?" Branik asked stepping forward.

  Merric waved a hand dismissively. "Let us not jump into the lake before it has thawed. We do not yet know what this means. There is more than one way to cast a spell. I'll just look for Mieka. He was with her. If we find her, we stand a good chance of finding Michael." Merric turned back to the basin and said "Ostendo," once again. The silvery liquid went dark then started to clear. Flashes of landscape flew across its surface. "Hmm…"

  "She is very far away," Merric muttered, almost to himself. He continued to regard the images. He saw the Glimmen Marsh then the red clay of the Steppes of Sorrow. Finally, the jagged peaks of the Rock Hedge Mountains came into sight. As the vision flew over the mountains, Merric saw the looming walls of Gratton, and then the vision went black. Stunned, Merric spun and started pacing.

  "How could they be there? How could Mortow have gotten his hands on them? It makes no sense. We are warded here. I would have known if Mortow or one of his wizards tried to force their way through my shield," Merric muttered as he continued to pace.

  Branik stepped in front of Merric causing him to stop abruptly; startling Merric who'd nearly forgotten the two Avari in his single-minded train of thought.

  "Wizard Merric, are you saying Mortow has taken Michael?" Branik inquired in a tone of voice that drove a shiver down Merric’s spine.

  "I do not know that for certain. It would appear that he has taken Mieka at least, but I could get no closer than the walls of Castle Gratton. Mortow has shields of his own that prevent scrying, just as I have. Nevertheless, this seems to indicate that Mieka is somewhere within."

  "Then he has Michael as well," Branik declared; a statement of fact not a question.

  "We have no way of knowing that. I could not get a fix on Michael. The boy could be anywhere for all I know."

  "No," Branik stated flatly. "You said it yourself. They were together. If Mieka is there, then chances are Michael is as well."

  "There's no way he could have taken them from here, no way," Merric protested.

  "There is always a way. Sometimes we just do not like to acknowledge the facts," Reek said flatly.

  "What are you getting at?" Merric asked.

  "Obviously, there are only three possible answers. Mieka took Michael someplace where Mortow was able to get at them. Mortow somehow got in here or Mieka delivered Michael to him. Those are the only possibilities. Since we heard no struggle and there was no evidence of anyone else in the library, then only two of those possibilities remain. Mortow got to them someplace else or Mieka delivered him into Mortow’s hands."

  "I cannot believe Mieka is working for Mortow," Merric replied angrily. "I have known that girl since she was a child. I’ve watched her grow into the woman she has become, into the wizard she has become. I watched her fight against Mortow and his wizards when he made his bid for power. She was just a sorcerer at the time, but she held her ground against them though it almost cost her life. There is absolutely no way she could be in league with him."

  "It is often those closest to us that we cannot truly see," Reek said softly. "We think of them as they once were and refuse to see how they have become. I'm not saying this is the answer, Wizard Merric, but it is a possibility that must be considered."

  "In my mind, I know what you say is true, Master Reek, but my heart cannot even consider that Mieka has turned on us," Merric said dejectedly.

  "Knowing how you feel about her, if it is the case, how do you think Michael feels right now? I have seen how he looks at her, how they are when they're together. I even encouraged it to a certain degree," Reek informed him.

  Merric gave him a questioning look.

  Reek shrugged. "It was during his second day of training. Mieka was standing on the front steps watching him run. I noticed how his eyes were drawn to her. I told him she would make a fine mate. He was as surprised as you."

  "Why would you suggest such a thing? I mean, at that time, you knew neither of them."

  "It is part of the training. In order to know yourself, you must embrace all aspects of life. Knowing how you react to your emotions allows you to be better prepared for the troubles you will face. Once you have come to terms with your emotions, then you will know your place among the universe. One must know one’s weaknesses in order to face them."

  "Do you consider love a weakness?" Merric asked somewhat shocked.

  "It can be or it can be a great strength." Reek took a step toward Merric. Even though the top of Reek’s head only came up to Merric’s chin, his confidence and conviction made him seem larger in Merric’s eyes. Reek poked a finger at Merric’s chest.

  "Your love for Mieka is blinding you to a potential threat. That makes it a weakness. If she truly has turned against us then Michael’s love for her allowed her to deliver him into Mortow’s hands. In this, it is a weakness as well. Love can expand your senses or it can narrow your vision. It falls to each of us to decide which it will do." Reek fell silent but continued to look Merric in the eyes.

  Merric’s face grew determined. His mouth turned down into a frown and Reek could see the muscles in Merric’s jaws tighten. His gray eyes locked on Reek’s brown ones as he replied. "I hear you, Avari. I once allowed my love for someone to narrow my vision until I could no longer see what he had become. I will not allow that to happen again. I’m not saying I believe Mieka has joined with Mortow, but if she has, then she is now the enemy." Merric flung his arms out to his sides and raised them over his head, "Tribuo pello Mieka!" He shouted.

  "What was that?" Reek asked.

  "The shield around Kantwell has just been hardened against Mieka. She will not be able to reenter the castle or its grounds."

  "None of this gets us any closer to finding Michael," Branik stated.

  "How close to Gratton could you get us?"

  Merric turned to face Branik. "I could not get you very close. Mortow’s shields would prevent me from coming anywhere near his tower. He would know the instant I teleported near. Besides, even could I get close, I would not take you there. The three of us would not last a minute against his defenses."

  Branik’s face grew grim. "If you will not take us, then we will run."

  "And how long do you think it would take you to get to Gratton, even if Mortow’s army did not stand in your way? A week, a month?" Merric poked his index finger against Branik’s forehead. "Use your head for something other than holding up your ears. In the time it would take you to get there, it would be too late. We need to find Micah. He told me he has ways of spying on Mortow. Perhaps he could find out if Michael is truly in Gratton, and then we could figure out a way to get him out."

  Branik’s hazel eyes smoldered with barely contained rage. His hand on the hilt of his sword tightened until the tendons popped. Reek stepped around Merric and faced Branik.

  "Easy, brother. What Merric says makes sense. It would take us too long to run there, and if he carried us with magic we would lose the element of surprise. I, too, think we need Lord Micah’s help."

  Branik’s eyes finally broke from Merric’s to look at Reek. Some of the anger seemed to drain from his face, and he let his arms fall to his sides with a nod.

  Merric, seeing Branik calm down, said in a gentle voice, "We will find him, Master Branik." Merric then gathered the three of them up in a transport spell and took them to his study. The darkness beyond his window was total. The moon was new and the clouds smothered out any possibility of star light. He turned to his desk and rang a small silver bell. Facing the two Avari, Merric leaned back on his desk. "We need to find out if Micah is in Kantwell and, if not, if he left a message as to where he would be."

  From out of a dark corner, opposite the window, they heard a voice.

  "Someone call my name?"

  Both Reek and Branik spun quickly and went to one knee. Merric pushed off from the desk onto his feet in surprise. Micah stepped out of the shadows of the corner as if materializing into the room. His gaze passed over the bowed heads of the two Avari and met Merric’s. He smiled slightly at the look of surprise on Merric’s face.

  "Branik, Reek, do get up off the floor."

  Both rose to their feet, but neither would meet Micah’s gaze.

  "My Lord," Branik began, finally daring to look up into Micah's eyes. "Michael is missing. We have failed."

  Micah laughed heartily.

  Reek and Branik shared a confused look.

  "Are you certain of that Branik? Do you know he is dead? Of course you don’t." Micah waved a dismissive hand.

  "You are too much like your Great Grandsire. He, too, always believed the worst. I assure you gentlemen, Michael is very much alive."

  "My Lord, how can you know this? Wizard Merric was unable to locate him," Reek stated.

  Micah’s smile wilted. "Trust me Reek, I have my ways of knowing. Just like I know he is in Gratton and," Micah’s eyes turned to Merric, "like I know it was Mieka who delivered him there."

  "You are sure of this Micah? Absolutely certain?" Merric asked stepping forward.

  "I am, old friend," Micah replied sadly. "I know how much the girl means to you."

  Merric’s shoulders slumped and he suddenly looked much older, as if the betrayal had somehow drained some of the life out of him. "How do you know, Micah?"

  Micah walked up to Merric and placed his hand on the wizard’s shoulder. "I have had a link with Michael since I found him in that hospital bed. I have known every thought, sight and emotion he has had since that moment. I felt the betrayal he felt when he realized what Mieka had done."

  "We need to find a way to get him out of Mortow’s clutches. The boy will stand no chance against him."

  "Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure about that. You see, when Mieka betrayed him, the ninth door opened for him. I think Mortow will have his hands full."

  Merric stared at Micah. The look in his eyes registered shock and then gave way to wonder. "The boy is a Ninth Key?"

  Micah turned to the two Avari behind him. "Please gentlemen, leave us. I need to speak to Merric alone."

  Reek and Branik bowed to Micah and left the room, closing the door behind them.

  Chapter Six

  Colonel Bastise parked the truck in the grass a small distance from the ancient ring of stones. He got out and walked around the front to the passenger’s side and opened the door. The unconscious man had been leaning against the inside of the door and the Colonel had to catch him as he tumbled out. He eased the naked man to the ground and checked his restraints. He knew no normal man could get free of those bonds, but this was hardly a normal man. Colonel Bastise shook his head slightly and smiled.

  "Micah, Micah. Leave it to you to turn the world upside down. If it had been anyone else I would have merely given it up as the deranged ramblings of a madman; yet here I am, out on a dark night, looking for a portal to God knows where, with a werewolf tied up and drugged out of its mind. Perhaps it is I who is the madman, no?

  Colonel Bastise slung his rifle higher onto his shoulder and checked his sidearm one more time. The sword Micah had given him hung from his belt on the opposite side. He grabbed the rope that bound the man’s knees together and began dragging him toward the crumbling ring of stones. Bastise heard the man moan as he scraped over a rough patch of ground that had a lot of gravel. Ignoring the weak protest, Bastise pulled the man into the center of the ring, walked around to his head and squatted down on the balls of his feet. Casually Bastise reached down toward the man’s face.

  Snarling, the man lunged as best he could against his restraints and tried to bite the Colonel’s hand.

  Lightning fast, Bastise’s other hand, drawn into a fist, shot down and landed squarely on the man’s nose with enough force to make his head bounce against the soft turf. A few seconds later blood began to flow from the flattened nose. Colonel Bastise laughed heartily.

  "Bad dog." Gesturing around, Bastise asked, "This the place?"

  The man glared up at Bastise.

  Bastise sighed and pulled a big black cigar from his shirt pocket. He bit off the tip, spat it into his hand, and put the piece in his pocket. He then lit a wooden match with his thumbnail and held the small flame to the end of the cigar. He drew on it until the end began to glow a cherry red, then blew the smoke down at the prone man as he placed the match stick in his pocket as well.

  "Do we need to repeat the lessons of the past? Come now, I would have thought you were smarter than that?"

  The man tried to cast a defiant look at Bastise, but his body started to tremble and his stomach began to cramp. He was suddenly freezing, yet his body was covered in sweat.

  Bastise regarded him coolly with a slight smile. "What you are feeling is called withdrawal. A very nasty side effect of one of the drugs I gave you. Soon, the pain will be more intense than anything you have ever felt. Only another dose of that same drug will take away the pain. You think about my question as your muscles knot in agonizing cramps and your stomach burns as if it were on fire. When you are ready to talk again, I will consider giving you some more."

  The man convulsed as the muscle spasms tied his body in knots. Moaning, he turned his head to the side and vomited. The pain continued to build and he opened his mouth to scream, but Bastise quickly stuffed a cloth into it.

  "I had to wait until after you vomited to do that. I wouldn’t want you to choke to death before you could truly experience the pain my drugs can extract." Bastise smiled at the man and took a long pull from his cigar, blowing the smoke down at the man once again. Waving his cigar over the man’s body he said, "You know, the pain wil
l eventually kill you. Without more of the drug, it will continue to build and wash over you. Eventually, your heart will stop, but not for a long time yet."

  The man only moaned in response.

  "I have seen men linger in agony for several days before the end comes. I think you could last almost as long. Of course, I can give you a small dose now and then, just enough to keep you alive, but not enough to take away the pain. Are you sure you wouldn't rather converse?"

  A shudder wracked the man's body, and he lay twitching on the ground for several minutes. Looking down at the man, Bastise could still see a bit of defiance behind the pain in his eyes.

  "Ah well, I think I will go back to the truck and have a sandwich. I will return in about an hour. By then, any resistance you have left will be gone." Bastise patted the man’s shoulder then stood up. He recognized the familiar sounds of the man screaming against the cloth in his mouth.

  As Bastise walked toward the truck, he smiled around his cigar. He was getting revenge for his men. He only wished he had more time so he could drag this beast’s suffering out for a good, long time. He already knew he was in the right place and knew how the portal worked. The man, Tammin, a werebeast from a world called Thelona, had confessed everything he knew while under the influence of the interrogation chemicals Colonel Bastise had used on him. Tammin, of course, would not remember any of that. The drugs also caused short term memory loss. Bastise would let Tammin suffer until he was ready to cross over into the other world. He owed his men whatever suffering he could pull from the beast-man.

  Once back at the truck, Colonel Bastise wiped down the entire thing to remove any fingerprints. He then cleaned his rifle and sidearm, inside and out. He removed all the rounds from the clips and wiped them down as well, throwing them all into the back of the truck. He strapped on the sword Micah had given him and checked his knives. He made sure he had matches, a compass and his canteen, and then stuffed a bunch of MREs into his pack. He pulled a sandwich from the cab, wiped the door handle down, removed the sandwich from its plastic wrap and began to eat. He savored the sandwich almost as much as the muted screams he heard coming from within the ring of stones. Though he could barely hear them, Bastise knew they were justice being measured out to the guilty.